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Re: Top 14 Teams Heading Into Week 13 - Summary - ROTY

By Braindeadkidfromouterspace - League Admin
3/30/2022 9:42 am

Well, the inaugural Major League Football season has been an entertaining one. 12 games into the season, and only three teams have been eliminated from playoff contention.
We still have two undefeated teams in The Pioneers, and The Blues, the latter sporting the leagues top defensive unit.

The Grizzlies and The Sharks are our two 1 loss teams. The Sharks made the franchise altering decision to go after this year’s # 1 overall pick, Patrick Bradley, and it has worked out very nicely. The Grizzlies have the leagues leading rusher in Dalvin Cook while The Blues have the leagues # 1 running game with Jack Maule, and David Her ; undoubtedly the leagues best running back tandem. These two have the potential to both go over 1000 yards this season with 977, and 746 yards.

The Riders have a 2+ game lead in the AC West with The Thunderbolts right on their heals. The New York Knights have a one game lead in the AC East behind the the arm of Robert Caster, who is certainly headed to the pro bowl this year with 17 TDs, and only 1 INT. The NC South, NC East, and AC North are still up for grabs. It’s looking like there will be one or two sub .500 teams in the post season this year with a lot of competition for those last couple of spots in each division.

Top 14 teams heading into week 13

1. Memphis Blues
2. Portland Pioneers
3. San Diego Sharks
4. Minnesota Grizzlies
5. Baltimore Bombers
6. Denver Riders
7. New York Knights
8. Carolina Breakers
9. Seattle Thunderbolts
10. Milwaukee Warriors
11. Cleveland Bulldogs
12. Toronto Rhinos
13. New Orleans Pirates
14. Washington Americans

(15. Indianapolis Racers, 16. Phoenix Firebirds, 17. San Francisco Hawks)

Top Rookie of the Year Candidates Week 12
1. Jack Maule - RB - Blues -
2. James Hampton - TE - Warriors -
3. Kenneth Butler - RDE - Rhinos -
4. Marc Jones - MLB - Tigers -
5. Danny Jones - CB - Breakers -
6. Perry Fields - CB - Racers -
7. Jack Anderson - RT - Knights -
8. Austin Kennedy - FS - Firebirds -
Last edited at 3/30/2022 9:44 am