NOTE: As of the last sim, this league was under the minimum 20% capacity. Invite your friends to join MyFootballNow to keep this league alive! Then send them to this league to become the owner of a team! The league will expire at 9/29/2024 8:00 pm.

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Alright ya’ll

By Braindeadkidfromouterspace - League Admin
8/31/2022 6:52 pm
My huge ******* apologies.

My fiancée and me split up about a month ago, and my life has been a nightmare. I will get back into LMing this league, and dedicating my entire MFN energy to just this league.

Instead of running 9 leagues and burning out, I’m going to focus on just this one. I’m sorry for letting it slip away for a bit, and I’m really sorry, but I’m back.

Re: Alright ya’ll

By Warthog
8/31/2022 7:11 pm
Sorry to hear about that. But take care of yourself first, that's what is most important.

Re: Alright ya’ll

By Pernbronze
8/31/2022 8:16 pm
Welcome back. You were missed.